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Adopted: 3/31/2004

Ratified: 4/21/2014

Constitution of the Columbia University African Students Association

Amendments to the Constitution​

Any voting member may propose an amendment to the E-Board; however, a majority vote by the E-Board must be achieved for the proposal to be put on the g-body agenda. Amendments to the Constitution require quorum and a 2/3 majority of the voting membership.


  • 1. G-body must be given 5-7 days’ notice about changes and amendments being made to Constitution in order for them to review it prior to voting on it. Specifically, G-body must be provided with a written word-for-word document of the amendment(s) that has been proposed by the E-board to be added to the Constitution. There shall be a referendum that then takes place to accept the Constitution  

  • 2. When new proposed or accepted Amendment is voted on, the new version is only taken into effect the next E-board Tenure and does not affect current officers.

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