Adopted: 3/31/2004
Ratified: 4/21/2014
Constitution of the Columbia University African Students Association
Electing, Appointing, and Removing Officers
Section 1. Elections will be held annually AT LEAST 2 weeks prior to the termination of the spring semester. Exception is for the Freshman Representative(s) position election, which will be held after a month into the fall semester.
Section 2. Any voting member wishing to run for office must be nominated for the position and a member of the ASA general body must second that nomination. After the nomination is seconded, the general body will vote by secret ballot and the candidate that wins by a simple majority will assume office.
Section 3. Each elected official must sign a binding contract to fulfill his or her respective duties for the academic year
Section 4: An E-Board member may be removed from their position for the following reasons:
a. The E-board member consistently neglects his or her responsibilities.
b. The E-board member is no longer a member of Columbia/Barnard (includes but not limited to being expelled, taking a leave of absence, etc)
c. The E-Board member engages in behavior unbecoming of an ASA official.
Section 5: If any of the above conditions have been sufficiently met, the Eboard has the prerogative to terminate the individual’s position on the board through a secret ballot and a ⅔ majority vote of all members of the E-board. The E-board member must be given the opportunity to plead their case before voting by the rest of the board if he or she so chooses
Section 6: In the event of a mid-term vacancy of an elected officer or an unfilled position, the E-Board shall make the vacancy known to the g-body at a general body meeting and request nominations in order to fill the position. The process of election shall be exactly similar to that of a regular E-board election in the spring.
(a). The top two Tiers CANNOT be subject to a G-Body Election
(b). When the E-board uses discretion to replace a vacancy in Tier Two then they will choose from Tier Three.
This Clause Only Applies To Only the Top Tier Officers (President & Vice President)
Filling the President Position -
i.) The VP automatically assumes the role of President unless there is a reason put forth by an individual on the E-board deeming said individual to be unfit. This reason must be seconded by another E-board individual and then, after pleading their case to the Board, the E-board will vote on whether they agree that the individual is unfit to assume the role of President. This vote requires a â…” majority outcome to be permissible.
ii.) If the individual is found to be unfit by the â…” outcome mentioned above, then the E-board will choose another befitting individual on the E-board by way of nominating 2 people. These two nominees will run for the position of President in the same fashion as with a regular election (this includes the presenting of a 1 minute speech followed by a short Q&A session). The only difference is only E-board members will vote on will become President between the two nominees. A majority outcome must be achieved to decide on the winner.
iii.) In the event that no one on the E-board wants the role of Presidency, then the E-board will collectively decide on two individuals from the G-body who they think will be best for the job and then present them with the opportunity to run. If those two people agree then they will run and the G-body will vote on who will become President. A majority vote is what is necessary to proclaim a winner.
Filling the Vice President Position -
i.) If there is an objection made from the beginning part of this clause (“The VP automatically assumes the role of President…), then the E-board will employ the same process of nominating two individuals from the board in order to ascend the position of Vice President. The same process applies to choosing a VP as did a President.
(c). Only Tier Three vacancies will then be subject to the G-body.