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Adopted: 3/31/2004

Ratified: 4/21/2014

Constitution of the Columbia University African Students Association


Section 1. The general body, hereafter referred to as the g-body, of the organization must be comprised of at least two-thirds CC, SEAS, Barnard and GS students. Membership to the ASA is open to any affiliate of Columbia University, i.e., undergraduate, graduate students, faculty, alumna, etc.

Section 2. An active member with voting rights is one who attends at least 4 ASA g-body meetings per semester

Section 3. The privileges of active membership are voting rights and the primary responsibilities of membership are to attend meetings and participate in events.


Section 4. Membership may be revoked by the E-Board if deemed necessary or appropriate.

© 2019 Columbia University African Students Association. All rights reserved.

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